Watch Bring the Soul: The Movie (2019) Live Online HD

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Watch Bring the Soul: The Movie (2019) Live Online Streaming

Duration : 105 minutes
Genre : Music, Documentary
Studio : Big Hit Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company Korea
Keyword : idol, k-pop, idol group
Following their landmark “Love Yourself” tour, BTS triumphantly returns to cinema screens in Bring the Soul: The Movie. Shining brighter than any light on the stage, now the group invite us behind the spotlight. On the day following the final concert of their Europe tour, on a rooftop in Paris, BTS tells their very own stories from experiencing new cities to performing in front of thousands of ARMY across the globe. A glimpse into BTS’ world away from the stage, featuring intimate group discussions alongside spectacular concert performances from the tour, this is a cinema event not to be missed. The journey of BTS continues!